Celebrating The Festival of Learning!
Details: Written by Eleanor Lodge

The Festival of Learning is a week-long event that is celebrated annually around the country. Its mission is to highlight all the benefits of learning, celebrate the achievements of adults who have transformed their lives through learning, and encourage everyone to embrace lifelong learning.
As we celebrate this week, we have been catching up with our learners, discovering the amazing ways they have transformed their lives through learning something new...
Here is Christina’s story:
“Last year, following a difficult period in my personal life, I was scrolling through my phone when I spotted an advert for a free Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention course from The Skills Network. I felt compelled to look into this because I wanted to learn more about it and following my own experiences I hoped there might be tools I could call on for myself.
“As a single mother to three children, it was empowering to find a learning solution that worked for me and the course has not only improved my confidence, but I have since secured employment.
“My employer was really impressed that I had taken the initiative to do this course and it has helped me personally. Now I know how to spot when people are feeling this way and what to do or say in certain situations.
“Personally, since completing the course my confidence has soared and I’ve taken up running! I used to feel that if you didn't do well at school then that was your lot in life but now I realise that I can study anything I desire, no matter my age or past experience. I also learnt that I'm really good at studying and learning!”
Christina continues...
“If I could send a message to any other adult learners looking to invest the time into studying I would say take the course! It's free and you will gain so much knowledge, understanding, empathy and power from it - also new opportunities will open up.
“If I had the opportunity to do this course again I would, it was great for me and I have been telling everyone I meet about these courses!”
Christina, age 41
Level 2 Certificate in Self-harm and Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Fancy learning something new like Christina? Check out our free courses here.