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Functional Skills Resources

Need a single source provider of Functional Skills resources and assessment solutions?

Our 2023 trend report called 'Maths and English: Making Functional Skills Accessible to All’ revealed that only half of surveyed adults (52.4%) felt confident with their Maths and English abilities.

Our Functional Skills online courses deliver learning opportunities ranging from entry-level to level 2 qualifications and aim to build confidence in Maths and English skills, aid career development, and help adults get back into work.

Perhaps you’re an apprenticeship provider looking to include Functional Skills assessment as a pre-requisite and bring your students up to standard ahead of their training programme.

Our resources are Ofsted compliant, engaging and are currently being used by many of our FE partners for successful delivery

Whatever your unique FE delivery needs, we have the learning solutions.

Each Functional Skills course has an auto-marked or tutor-marked version and maps to multiple awarding organisations to enable you to choose which awarding organisation you would like to use for the external examinations.

Our Functional Skills learning resources can be delivered via:

Weekly virtual sessions

Classrooms or Adult Skills Centres

Online Learning (independent study)

Online Assessment Solutions

Enhance your lesson planning and streamline the complicated process of learner enrolment with our market-leading Functional Skills assessment-based solutions.

Maximise learner visibility and reporting with….

Initial Assessment:

  • An integrated or standalone functional skills assessment tool
  • Gain insight into a learner’s Functional Skills ability prior to starting a learning programme
  • Seamless post-assessment auto-enrolment of the learner onto the recommended level

Diagnostic Assessment:

  • An essential addition to our learning resources provision
  • Identify and nuance learners’ key development areas
  • Create an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) for future progression

Register your interest by filling out the form below and one of our expert team will get in touch with you!
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Speak to our team of experts on 01757606602


Email [email protected]

English and Maths: “I’m just bad at it”

Enhance your lesson planning and streamline the complicated process of learner enrolment with our market-leading Functional Skills assessment-based solutions.

Maximise learner visibility and reporting with….

Biggest reasons for disliking maths Biggest reasons for disliking english

With only 30% of parents reading to their young children and ‘maths anxiety’ reducing the subject to a ‘can do or can’t do’ subject for life, the UK is in a precarious position.

Discover more in our 2023 trend report

woman with glasses on laptop